GE Giraffe OmniBed Carestation

GE Healthcare

Combining Technology and Experience to Send Babies Home Healthy

Designed with babies, and their families in mind, the Giraffe OmniBed Carestation creates a controlled, protected microenvironment for peaceful, fast healing - bringing babies one step closer to caregivers' expertise, their parents’ embrace and to going home healthy.

We will be happy to help you at any time.

Medical technology demands first-class products and services. We are there for you at any time and immediately - whether on site or digitally. Your request is in reliable hands with us.

ContactCall us

  • 24/7 customer helpline
  • Three locations in Switzerland
  • Personal advice

Combining technology and experience for a neuroprotective and developmental environment

  • Comfortable, consistently controlled thermal environments
  • Provide continuous warmth during transport with the addition of the Giraffe Shuttle™ - One Baby. One Bed. solution
  • Neurodevelopmentally supportive, family-centered care solution
  • Improved patient access and visibility
  • User-friendly, high tech features and functionality
  • Reliable clinical performance

Empowering Caregivers’ Expertise

In critical care environments when every second counts, technology needs to work for you. The Giraffe OmniBed Carestation simplifies and enhances the clinical workflow by providing caregivers the intuitive and reliable neonatal solution they need to support clinical challenges and manage babies toward better health.

People who healthcare.
People who healthcare.
People who healthcare.
People who healthcare.
People who healthcare.
People who healthcare.
People who healthcare.
People who healthcare.
People who healthcare.
People who healthcare.
People who healthcare.

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