

You order - we organise: Logistics made for you

You explain your request to us and then we clarify together how we can efficiently implement your wishes. To this end, we at Anandic Medical Systems AG have optimized our logistical processes. Modern operating systems enable us to adjust the stock levels of over 10,000 items to consumption.

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Ordered today - there tomorrow

Through modern and optimized operating systems, we not only reduce warehousing costs, but also shorten delivery times enormously. If you order from our Swiss warehouse by 3 pm, we will deliver the products the next day. Our key to this optimized logistics are your needs and good communication.

Tactically smart for you even in difficult times

You also benefit from our forward planning supply chain management - especially in challenging times. To be there for you, your employees and the patients and to be able to deliver products and systems, we also plan our internal processes along the supply chains and in urgent cases we also use our own transports without long waiting times without third-party providers.

We will be happy to help you at any time.

Medical technology demands first-class products and services. We are there for you at any time and immediately - whether on site or digitally. Your request is in reliable hands with us.

ContactCall us

  • 24/7 customer helpline
  • Three locations in Switzerland
  • Personal advice